Monday, July 12, 2010

Cindy Brings a friend - July 8 workout

BUY IN : 5 pistols each leg


5 Pull ups

10 Push Ups

15 Squats

As Many Rounds as Possible in 10 Minutes

Rest 1 minute

5 Deadlifts 225 lbs/ 155 lbs - I went with 215lbs

10 Sit ups

15 Double Unders

As Many Rounds as Possible in 10 Minutes

CASH OUT : 5 minutes of hip mobility stretching

Completed 11 rounds of Cindy and 5 of the next one

Cindy was good for me and I was humming along really good but the next part of the workout killed me....just the deadlifts. I am still very weak in this movement and I think I went too heavy for me because my low back was really hurting.

I need to put away my pride or ego or whatever it is and go at a weight that is light enough for me. Who cares about keeping up with the rest of the class.

LUCE - July 5th workout


Wearing a 20 pound vest, three rounds for time of:
1K Run
10 Muscle-ups
100 Squats

Completed in 37:37

I can't beleive I even finished this one but it was super tough.

This is my first blog in awhile and I'm going to try more Crossfit mainsite workouts and track my progress.

Muscle ups weren't that bad as I thought. It was a hot day though and that really made a difference.